Customer Care Policy

SOCOTEC Building Control Ltd recognise that the key to our success and the maintenance of a quality building control industry is to provide a high standard of customer service.

We are fully committed in our pursuit of a quality service and to monitor and improve that service, as our customers deserve.

Measures we have in place include:

  • Setting and monitoring of operational targets above set industry wide building control performance standards.
  • Having a dedicated Technical Director.
  • Full signup to industry Key Performance indicators.
  • Issuing Customer and Fire Authority Satisfaction online questionnaire on completion of all projects with 360° review process.
  • Setting challenging goals for staff within a framework of best practice.
  • Ensuring senior management maintain an open door policy for all staff.
  • Companywide focus on customer needs with constant review of practices and procedures in light of client feedback and suggestions.
  • Increasing use made of new technology to improve internal and external client contact and working practices.
  • Fully registered to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 with regular internal and external auditing of procedures, technical decisions and site Inspections.
  • Representation on national organisation committees such as ABCA to share information on best practice, quality issues and developments.
  • All staff are supported in the aim of lifetime learning and are expected to achieve minimum CPD for their professional institution.
  • Bound by the Operating Standard Rules by the Building Safety Regulations (BSR).
  • Individual client contact is directed through an Account Manager ensuring close working relationships.
  • Cyber Essentials Plus membership and data protection act compliance.

Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint this note sets out the procedure that we will follow in dealing with your complaint.

  1.  The person you speak to within SOCOTEC Building Control Ltd will take details of your complaint and fill in a Customer Complaint Form. You may be asked to provide the complaint in writing if the nature of the complaint is complex.
  2. We will contact you in writing within 10 working days to inform you of our understanding of the circumstances leading to the complaint and you will be invited to make written comment.
  3.  Within 21 days of receipt of the written summary, the person dealing with your complaint will write informing you of the outcome of the investigation and describe what action will be taken.
  4.  If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of your complaint, you should contact: 

    Marian Allcott

    SOCOTEC Building Control Ltd
    Unit 7, Silkwood Park
    Fryers Way
    WF5 9TJ


  5. If you remain dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of the complaint, we will attempt to resolve this promptly through negotiations, or otherwise agree to enter into mediation with you
  6. If the complaint has still not been resolved to your satisfaction, we advise you contact: Building Safety Regulator has been designated by Government as the body for approving and monitoring Registered Building Control Approvers.
  7. If the complaint relates to a matter of technical interpretation please consult your SOCOTEC Building Control Ltd contact or a member of the senior management team. In the rare case where you and SOCOTEC Building Control Ltd are unable to reach a satisfactory solution we will be happy to forward to you details of the regulator’s determination process.

 To download the customer care policy and complaints record form, please click here.